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Recently updated shows that might be of your interest.
The Sky at Night

The Sky at Night

Our team of astronomers tell us what's on view in the night sky. From comets to quasars, there is always something fascinating to discuss in the Universe.

Mayor of Kingstown

Mayor of Kingstown

Mayor of Kingstown is set in a small Michigan town where the only industry remaining are federal, state, and private prisons, the story follows the McLusky family, the power brokers between the police, criminals, inmates, prison guards and politicians, in a city completely dependent on prisons and the prisoners they contain. It is a stark and brutal look at the business of incarceration.

Deadliest Catch

Deadliest Catch

It's the deadliest job on earth: crab fishing off the Alaskan coast on the icy Bering Sea. These adventurers will battle Arctic weather, brutal waves, and a ticking clock for big money in this modern-day gold rush from which they may never return.

Accident, Suicide or Murder

Accident, Suicide or Murder

Accident, Suicide or Murder explores the unbelievable true stories of suspicious deaths. Each episode retraces the investigation from start to finish, taking viewers through the twists and turns of these shocking cases, from dissecting the red flags to the undeniable evidence, and strange behavior that put the tragedy in question. With the families fighting for justice and the detectives on the case determined to find the truth, motives will be exposed and justice will be served as the families finally find out what caused the death of their loved ones.

Celebrity IOU

Celebrity IOU

Celebrity IOU is a series where Hollywood A-listers express their deep gratitude to the individuals who have had a major impact on their lives by surprising them with big, heartwarming home renovations that bring everyone to tears.
