Recently Updated Shows

Recently updated shows that might be of your interest.
The Sky at Night

The Sky at Night

Our team of astronomers tell us what's on view in the night sky. From comets to quasars, there is always something fascinating to discuss in the Universe.

So You Think You Can Dance

So You Think You Can Dance

The summer hit So You Think You Can Dance, hosted by Cat Deeley, keeps viewers moving to a different beat as dancers skilled in everything from the 'street' styles of Hip-Hop, Krumping and Popping to Ballroom's Salsa, Quickstep and Jive compete to be named the nation's favorite. In the performance round, the 20 finalists dance for America's votes, and each week the six contestants comprising the bottom three couples are given a chance to perform solo routines to encourage viewers to keep them on the show. Then the judges decide which dancers stay in the competition and which two are eliminated.



Heartstopper tells the story of Nick and Charlie, two British teens at an all-boys grammar school. Charlie, a highly-strung, openly gay over-thinker, and Nick, a cheerful, soft-hearted rugby player, who one day are made to sit together.

The Daily Show

The Daily Show

Hosted by a rotating cast of comedy greats, The Daily Show remains the go-to source for provocative satire, insightful interviews and an award-winning team of correspondents and contributors.

The Great British Sewing Bee

The Great British Sewing Bee

Amateur sewers take on challenges as they compete to be named Britain's best home sewer.